Research & publications from our Latin American Hub


Abubakar, Ibrahim, et al. “The UCL–Lancet Commission on Migration and Health: the health of a world on the move.” The Lancet 392.10164 (2018): 2606-2654. (

Intersections between gender approaches, migration and health in Latin America and the Caribbean: a discussion based on a scoping review

Cabieses, Baltica et al.
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, Volume 0, Issue 0, 100538


Batista, Carolina and Leire Pajín Iraola. “COVID-19 in Latin America: What Does it Take to Go From a Highly-Vulnerable Region to a Pandemic-ready Region?”, ISGlobal. Series COVID-19 & response strategy #18 (2020). (


Bojorquez, Ietza, et al. “Migration and health in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.” The Lancet 397.10281 (2021): 1243-1245. (


Bojorquez-Chapela, Ietza, et al. “Health policies for international migrants: A comparison between Mexico and Colombia.” Health Policy OPEN 1 (2020): 100003. (


Blukacz, Alice, Báltica Cabieses, and Niina Markkula. “Inequities in mental health and mental healthcare between international immigrants and locals in Chile: a narrative review.” International Journal for Equity in Health 19.1 (2020): 1-15. (


Cabieses, Báltica, et al. “Feeling prepared to face COVID-19 pandemic among Venezuelans in Chile: findings from an opinion poll.” Medwave 21.1 (2021). (


Carreño, Alejandra, et al. ““Nadie está preparado para escuchar lo que vi”: atención de salud mental de refugiados y solicitantes de asilo en Chile.” Salud colectiva 16 (2021). (


Cabieses, Báltica, et al. “Migrantes venezolanos frente a la pandemia de COVID-19 en Chile: factores asociados a la percepción de sentirse preparado para enfrentarla.” Notas de Población (2021). (


Cabieses, Báltica, et al. “Alternativas de estrategias para una respuesta ética dirigida a personas migrantes internacionales en residencias sanitarias durante emergencias sanitarias. Policy Brief.” Santiago:Chile. Universidad del Desarrollo- Organización Mundial de la Salud (2021). (


Cabieses, Báltica, Camila Sepúlveda, and Alexandra Obach. “Prevention of vertical transmission of HIV in international migrant women: Current scenario and challenges.” Revista chilena de pediatria 91.5 (2020): 672-683. (


Carreño-Calderón, Alejandra, Baltica Cabieses, and M. Eliana Correa-Matus. “Individual and structural barriers to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers’ access to primary and mental healthcare in Chile: A qualitative study.” PloS one 15.11 (2020). (


Castillo‐Cañón, Julieth Carolina, et al. “Healthcare‐related expenditures among immigrants and non‐immigrants living with HIV in Colombia.” Health & Social Care in the Community (2021). (


Cubillos Novella, Andrés. “Flujos Migratorios: Metodologías Implementadas en Europa y América para el análisis de las políticas públicas migratorias.” I Seminário Internacional & III Seminário de Modelos e Experiências de Avaliação de Políticas, Programas e Projetos, (2016): 17-34. (


Cubillos Novella, Andrés; Angélica María Vargas Monroy, and Tracy Wharton. “Migración de venezolanos a Florida Central, Estados Unidos. Aspectos relacionados con la percepción de condiciones y necesidades de salud mental en 2019.” Gerencia y Políticas de Salud 19 (2020): 1-18. (


Cubillos Novella, Andrés, Nelson Roberto Ardón Centeno, and Andrea Yanira Rodríguez Rodríguez. “10. Realidades migratorias actuales: una mirada frente a la recepción de la población de venezolanos en el contexto colombiano y sus efectos en la salud.” América Latina en las dinámicas de la migración internacional: Perspectivas críticas (2020).


Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo, et al. “Recommendations for the response against COVID-19 in migratory contexts under a closed border: The case of Colombia.” Biomédica 40 (2020): 68-72. (


Figueroa, J. Peter, et al. “Urgent needs of low-income and middle-income countries for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.” The Lancet 397.10274 (2021): 562-564. ( )


Flórez-García, Víctor Alfonso, et al. “Utilización de anticonceptivos en población migrante: el caso de las gestantes migrantes venezolanas en dos ciudades receptoras de la costa norte de Colombia.” Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública 38.3 (2020): 1-10. (


Knipper, Michael, et al. “The need for protecting and enhancing TB health policies and services for forcibly displaced and migrant populations during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.” International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2021). (


Knipper, Michael, et al. “Germany’s new global health strategy: leaving migrants behind.” The Lancet 397.10268 (2021): 20-21. (


Monsalve, Sonia Diaz, et al. “Mental health among displaced and non-displaced populations in Valledupar, Colombia: Why do inequities continue?” (2020). (


Mougenot, Benoît, et al. “Immigration, perceived discrimination and mental health: evidence from Venezuelan population living in Peru.” Globalization and health 17.1 (2021): 1-9. (


Primer reporte de salud de migrantes en Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador, Perú y Chile (OPS SAM); Comentario en Lancet sobre Migración y salud en América Latina; Reporte de la red SAMI sobre salud de migrantes en Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Chile.


Wharton, Tracy, Andrés Cubillos Novella, and Kenan Sualp. “Promoting healthcare access and addressing systemic health disparities in toxic environments.” Three Facets of Public Health and Paths to Improvements. Academic Press, (2020): 473-495. (


Wickramage, Kolitha, et al. “Migration and health: a global public health research priority.” BMC public health 18.1 (2018): 1-9. (