Germany’s overall response to COVID-19 has been evaluated as reasoned and sound. Nonetheless, it has exposed weaknesses and blind spots in the German healthcare system regarding the inclusion of migrant groups. For instance, marginalised groups such as labour migrants and asylum-seekers are not considered for tailored measures in the government’s response to COVID-19. On the other hand, certain efforts to include migrant groups, such as the provision of information in numerous languages, are unprecedented in the German context. They may point to increasing accommodation for diversity.
La OMS comenta el anuncio de Estados Unidos sobre su intención de retirarse
Esperamos que Estados Unidos reconsidere su postura y esperamos entablar un diálogo constructivo para mantener la asociación entre Estados Unidos y la OMS, en beneficio de la salud y el bienestar de millones de personas en todo el mundo. Mas...