East Africa and Horn of Africa (EHoA)3 region are a crossroads of different migration and displacement patterns, with sending, transit and hosting countries sharing common challenges in terms of economic development, health, peace and security threats. Unemployment, protracted conflicts, and environmental degradation are some of the determinants that have characterized this region for decades, and they are also important causative factors for people to migrate. In the Horn of Africa, consequences of climate change and the impact of natural hazards such as frequent drought, flooding and more recently locust invasions have exhausted the resilience of local communities, forcing many to migrate either internally towards the cities, or abroad. Africa is the continent with the highest intra-continental migration (2); 80% of intra-continental movement, characterized mainly by the migration of low-skilled workers, occurs toward bordering countries and through unofficial ground-crossing points along porous borders.
El derecho a la salud y la política migratoria: un tema importante en la agenda pública de la región
Comunicado Lancet Migration para América Latina