Watch recording – health emergency in Ukraine

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On March 30, we conducted a webinar in which global health experts shared their views on the humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine and how to respond to the complex health needs. The recording is now available.

People outside a bus, Lviv in Ukraine

Photo from Lviv (Depositphotos)

The webinar was co-organised by the Lancet Migration European Regional Hub and Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies. The panelists addressed context-specific health priorities in the Ukraine crisis. Data and insights were shared with more than 100 participants who tuned in from different parts of the world.


  • Irina Shevchenko, Nezabutni Charitable Foundation, Ukraine
  • Ela Czapka, Assistant professor, University of Gdańsk, Poland
  • Apostolos Veizis, INTERSOS Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece; Lancet Migration European Regional Hub
  • Yannis Vardakastanis, President of International Disability Alliance and European Disability Forum
  • Oleksii Sukhovii: Head of Psychiatric care, Institute of psychiatry, forensic psychiatric examination and drug monitoring, Ministry of health, Ukraine
  • Teymur Noori, Migrant Health, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
  • Sally Hargreaves (moderator), The Migrant health research group, Institute for Infection and Immunity, St. George’s, University of London; Lancet Migration European Regional Hub
  • Prof. Davide Mosca (moderator), Realizing Health SDGs for Migrants, displaced and communities; Lancet Migration European Regional Hub.
Watch the recording here:
Webinar recording

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